The change in the content of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium in calcic chernozem of the Rostov region has been studied. The use of chisel treatment on an erosion-hazardous slope reduced soil flushing by 12.6%. By the end of the first rotation of the grain-to-crop crop rotation, when using an extensive fertilizer application system, a decrease in the content of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium was noted. Over the seven rotations of the crop rotation, this difference continued to increase. Systematic application of fertilizers in various doses allowed to increase the content of mobile phosphorus by 145.1-151.6%, exchangeable potassium - 21.1-24.1% compared to the initial content. Tillage had a negligible effect on the content of mobile forms of plant nutrition elements. Keywords: CALCIC CHERNOZEM, MOBILE PHOSPHORUS, EXCHANGEABLE POTASSIUM, CROP ROTATION, LONG-TERM EXPERIENCE