One of the main branches of agriculture in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is productive horse breeding. In this regard, we can use the valuable raw materials that the horse gives due to its high adaptability to local conditions. The development of productive horse breeding in particular dairy horse breeding under the conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) would allow providing the population with natural, dietary food and more efficient use of land resources. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of zeolite and zeolite-sapropel feed additives in the ration of mares of Megezhek breed on the milk productivity and quality of kumiss under the conditions of Central Yakutia. Two scientific and economic experiments have been carried out where the influence of zeolite from the Suntar deposit (experiment 1) and zeolite-sapropel feed additives (experiment 2) on the milk productivity and physiological parameters of mares of Megezhek breed has been studied. The optimal doses of the effect of zeolite and zeolite-sapropel feed additives on the profi tability of kumiss production have been determined. It has been found in the first scientific and economic experiment that when adding 0,4 g of zeolite per 1 kg of live weight to the daily ration of lactating mares the level of profi tability of milk production increased to 20,4 %, and when adding 0,5 g per 1 kg of live weight the profi tability index increased to 21,5 %, compared to 13,7 % in the control group. In the second scientific and economic experiment the infl uence of the zeolite-sapropel feed additive on the intensity of digestion and assimilation of nutrients in the mares’ rations has been determined. The analysis of the experimental data indicates a high economic efficiency of using zeolite-sapropel feed additive in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups of mares, where the level of profi tability of production was equal to 27,34 and 32,33 %, respectively, compared to 16,09 % in the control group.