Wheat is the main agricultural crop in many countries of the world, as well as the main food in the steppe zone, so the system of agrotechnical measures should be aimed at creating favourable conditions for obtaining a high yield. The issue of intensification of grain production is inseparable from the production and use of new biogenic effective drugs that have a positive effect on the growth and development of cultivated plants. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of foliar fertilisation with bacterial preparations, precursors, and doses of mineral fertilisers on grain yield and productivity elements of winter wheat. The paper provides data on the results of the research of winter wheat of the Duma Odeska variety in the conditions of the Educational and Practical Centre of the Mykolaiv NAU in 2019–2021. During the study, generally accepted methods were used: monographic, systematic approach and systematic analysis, analysis and synthesis, field and statistical. The influence of the precursor, foliar feeding with modern bacterial biopreparations and the use of different doses of mineral fertilisers on the elements of the crop structure and grain yield of winter wheat was analysed. It was established that the yield level depended and changed on the precursor taken for foliar feeding of the bacterial preparation, the level of mineral nutrition and to a large extent on the influence of the weather conditions of the growing year. Over the years of research, precursors, mineral fertilisers, and treatment of plant sowing with biological preparations affected the number of productive stems, the number of grains from an ear, the mass of grain from one ear and the mass of 1,000 grains of winter wheat. The conducted studies confirmed the expediency of foliar fertilising in the main periods of vegetation with biological preparations to optimise the nutrition of winter wheat plants with the aim of forming a stable grain yield. The obtained scientific results of the research will contribute to the wide application of biological preparations, which will ensure the rapid and full growth and development of winter wheat plants, which will further contribute to increasing the yield and gross harvest of grain.