The article summarizes the theoretical and methodological aspects of railway transport enterprises quality management. It is noted that today the processes of globalization and integration of Ukraine into the world economy require new approaches to managing the transport system of our country, as it has significant transit potential and one of the largest railway networks in Europe. Unfortunately, today the inability of enterprises in the industry to adapt to new conditions of transport due to the low quality of railway transport enterprises services. It is established that the viability of the entire economic complex of Ukraine and the national security of the state depend on the railway transport enterprises services quality. It is noted that in order to solve the problems of improving the quality of railway transport enterprises services, first of all it is necessary to attract significant investment resources, the lack of which led to inconsistency of domestic railway transport technical and technological level with European standards. Scientific and methodological approaches to the management of the quality of railway transport enterprises services are considered, which proved the need to combine the interests of public authorities, business and society, based on the internal resources of economic entities. It is noted that the presence of highly professional managers is a guarantee of improving the quality of of railway enterprises services, as the specifics of this industry makes special demands on staff. It is established that in order to implement the tasks of improving the efficiency of railway transport and the quality of services provided it is necessary to create statutory conditions that would stimulate the inflow of domestic and foreign investment in transport infrastructure projects, increase railway transport investment attractiveness by ensuring competitive environment and industry. It is concluded that solving the problems of railway transport enterprises quality management will allow to ensure quantitative and qualitative structural changes in the industry and gradually reach the world level.