The objective: A research purpose is the development and introduction of a tactic of diagnostics and treatment of dysplasia of mammary glands and violations of menstrual function for women with a hysteromyoma.
Materials and methods. The differentiated going was developed near the treatment of patients with the united diseases of mammary glands and hysteromyoma, which consisted of a few stages. In the first stage complaints, and anamnesis was analyzed, an objective review, gynecological review, and palpation of mammary glands were conducted and as a result, there was an individual plan of inspection of every sick. In the second stage in accordance with a mine-out plan complex inspection, which includes the laboratory and instrumental methods of research, and tests of functional diagnostics, was conducted. In the third stage the results of inspection were analyzed, the correction of somatopathies was conducted, appeared contra-indication to that or other methods of treatment, surgical treatment of noncommunicative forms of dysplasia of mammary glands and violations of menstrual function was conducted for women with a hysteromyoma. In 1 group, the noncommunicative forms of diffuse dysplasia of mammary glands had 49 (76,7%) from 64 women, and diffuse mastopathy is the third – 14 (23,7%). In 2 groups the key form of mastopathy prevailed also – 73,3%, diffuse forms met in 26,7%.
Results. The choice of the tactic of hormonal treatment was conducted taking into account a gynecological disease, state of mammary glands, presence and volume of operative interferences, and endocrine violations. Herbal medicines, mainly, were appointed additionally with the purpose of normalization of secretion of prolactin. At the setting of hormonal preparations, the results of tests of functional diagnostics were taken into account and information hormonal research, with anovulatory cycles and insufficiency of luteal phase progestogens was appointed patients and the combined oral contraceptives, at a normal-diphasic cycle – only the combined oral contraceptives. At contra-indications to the setting of hormonotherapy in all groups transdermally progesterone was appointed for 2,5 gs on the skin of every suckling gland 2 times per day (in the morning and in the evening) continuously during 6 months. The combined oral contraceptive advantage gave oneself up the gestagen of 3rd generation of desogestrel, which contains, gestodene, norgestimate. Preparations were used on a contraceptive chart for one year, beginning from the first day of the menstrual cycle. A positive therapeutic effect was considered on the following signs: from the side of mammary glands: diminishing of pain syndrome, a decline of oedematous ness of fabrics, diminishing of engorgement of mammary glands in a premenstrual period; from the side of privy parts: absence of complaints, pathological excretions and violations of the menstrual cycle. Analyzing the efficiency of the complex developed by us it follows notices, that for women with the United, pathology was succeeded on 43,4%, to conduct the prophylaxis of progress to the relapse of dysplasia of mammary glands and on 36,7% – violations of menstrual function for women with a hysteromyoma.
Conclusion. Got information, in our view, convincingly testify that a conservative solitary of women who suffer illnesses of mammary glands in combination with a hysteromyoma is a prophylactic measure in relation to progress and relapse of the united pathology at this category of patients. It is got by us results give a right to recommend the offered complex in practical health protection to us.