Uterine fibroids are widespread among diseases of the female system. The significance of this problem has increased in recent years as a result of increased complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in women with uterine myoma. In such women, fetal retardation syndrome, premature birth, abnormal position of the fetus, anomalies of labor activity were more often observed. Therefore, medicine and the state have an urgent task to maintain reproductive health in women with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids.
The aim of our study was to compare the picture of the clinical course of simple and proliferating fibroids in women of reproductive age. Materials and methods. A study of 22 non-pregnant women of reproductive age with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids (intramural, subserous, submucous) was performed. Clinical studies were conducted on the basis of the Center for Women’s Health «LLC Company Ethel» in Simferopol during 2018-2019. All women included in the study underwent an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs using three-dimensional energy dopplerometry of intratumoral blood flow. A sample was taken into groups depending on the clinical course of the disease. Group A n = 14 (women of reproductive age with proliferating myoma), group B n = 8 (women of reproductive age with simple myoma). Research results. When studying the clinical course of simple and proliferating fibroids in women of reproductive age, it was found that with proliferating uterine fibroids, menstrual irregularities of the type of hyperpolymenorrhea, rapid growth and development of complications of the disease, than with simple fibroids were much more common. Conclusions. It is proved that with proliferating uterine fibroids, the clinical course of the disease is much more aggressive and faster, compared with the clinic with simple myoma, therefore it is necessary to change treatment approaches depending on the form.