Adjacencies of multisingularities of stable Lagrangian maps with singularities of types A ± µ and D ± µ are studied.We calculate the homotopy type of adjacencies of multisingularities in the image of a stable Lagrangian map with singularities of types A ± μ and D ± μ . Decompositions of real singularities have also been studied by other authors; see, e.g., [2] and [6].1. Singularities of Lagrangian maps. First, we recall the basic facts of the theory of Lagrangian singularities; see [1] for details.Let E be a smooth 2n-manifold with a symplectic structure ω. A smooth n-dimensional submanifold L in E is said to be Lagrangian if ω| L = 0. A smooth fibration ρ : E → V over a smooth n-manifold V is said to be Lagrangian if all of its fibers are Lagrangian submanifolds in E.Let ρ be a Lagrangian fibration, and let L be a Lagrangian submanifold in E. Then the map f = ρ| L : L → V is said to be Lagrangian. We consider only proper Lagrangian maps.According to Arnold's theorem, all simple stable singularities of Lagrangian maps are of typesTo be more precise, any simple stable germ of a Lagrangian map is Lagrange equivalent to the germ at zero of a Lagrangian map R n → R n , (t, q) → (−∂S(t, q)/∂t, q), where t = (t 1 , . . . , t k ), q = (q k+1 , . . . , q n ), and S = S(t, q) is a smooth function of one of the following forms (μ n + 1 is an integer):+ · · · + q 3 t 2 2 , μ 4, E ± 6 : S = t 3 1 ± t 4 2 + q 5 t 1 t 2 2 + q 4 t 1 t 2 + q 3 t 2 2 , μ = 6, E 7 : S = t 3 1 + t 1 t 3 2 + q 6 t 2 1 t 2 + q 5 t 2 1 + q 4 t 1 t 2 + q 3 t 2 2 , μ= 7,The number μ is called the degree of the singularity, and μ − 1 is its codimension. If μ is even or μ = 1, then all singularities of types A + μ and A − μ are Lagrange equivalent (and we denote these types by A μ ).Let S + be the free Abelian multiplicative semigroup generated by the symbols E 7 , and E 8 . We denote the identity element of this semigroup by 1.The elements of S + are used to index the types of multisingularities in the image a stable Lagrangian map with simple singularities. Namely, consider any element A = X 1 . . . X p ∈ S + \ {1}, where X 1 , . . . , X p is any set of generators of S + . A Lagrangian map f : L → V has a multisingularity of type A at a point y ∈ V if (i) f −1 (y) consists of p pairwise different points; and (ii) the points in f −1 (y) can be ordered as x 1 , . . . , x p so that f has singularities of types X 1 , . . . , X p , respectively, at these points. At the points of the complement V \ f (L), the map f has multisingularities of type 1.