Artificial freezing ensures the formation of a temporary ice wall around the shaft under construction, which prevents groundwater penetration into the shaft and increases the strength of rocks around the unsupported walls of the shaft until the permanent support is erected. The purpose of the study is to carry out thermotechnical calculation of ice wall with subsequent theoretical analysis of changing ice wall thickness with shifting to the passive freezing stage. The idea of the study is to determine these technological parameters based on the condition of maintaining the design ice wall thickness at the stage of passive freezing. The methodology and results of thermotechnical calculation of ice wall for the clay layer as applied to the case of the shafts under construction of a potash mine in the Republic of Belarus are presented. The thermal calculation of the ice wall was carried out numerically in the ANSYS software package using the finite element method. The findings of the numerical multiparameter modeling allowed theoretical analysis of ice wall thickness decrease with shifting to the passive freezing stage with higher brine temperature. The decrease in ice wall thickness was studied both during normal operation of the freezing station and at emergency operation mode caused by the failure of one of the freezing columns. Special attention in the analysis was paid to studying the influence of the duration of the active freezing stage and the distance between the columns on the decrease in the ice wall thickness. When analyzing changes in ice wall thickness at different distances between the freezing columns, it was found that the most common column spacing in the range from 1.1 to 1.3 m requires observing restrictions on the duration of active freezing to prevent a critical decrease in ice wall thickness during the passive freezing stage or decreasing the distance between the freezing columns. In this case, preservation of positive dynamics of ice wall thickness growth is ensured. For the clay layer considered in the study and the distance between the columns from 1.1 to 1.3 m, the minimum time of active freezing is also about 4.3 months. As a result of the analysis, the technological parameters of the freezing system (duration of the active freezing stage and the distance between the freezing columns) were determined, at which the ice wall thickness at the passive freezing stage did not become lower than the minimum permissible values calculated based on the strength and creep conditions.