A linear position-sensitive neutron detector based on two silicon photomultiplier and an organic light guide has been developed. Determination of the coordinate of the neutron hitting the detector comes from analyzing the amplitude of the signal received from two silicon photomultipliers located at the ends of the light guide. The results of measurements using a collimated 252Cf source and two types of detectors based on silicon photomultipliers from SensL with a diffusion reflector and from Hamamatsu without and with a diffusion reflector are presented. Signals from silicon photomultipliers are recorded using an analog-to-digital converter. The neutron impact coordinates were analyzed using the amplitude characteristics of the photosignal. For a detector based on silicon photomultiplier from SensL, there was no obvious dependence of the signal amplitude on the coordinate of the neutron detection event, in contrast to detectors from Hamamatsu. The resolution of the detector coated with a diffusion reflector was about 10 mm, and without the diffusion reflector it was approximately 5 mm.