The article is devoted to the issue of creating intelligent decision support systems in the production of entomophages using data mining, structural synthesis, frame-based modeling, a precedent approach.The aim of the study was to improve intelligent decision support systems in the production of entomophages based on knowledge structuring.The object of research is the processes of using information flows used to manage the production of entomophages.Using the FreeMind software environment, the factors influencing the decision-making processes in the production of entomophages are structured in the form of an associative map.The components of decision-making regarding the quality assurance of entomological products under conditions of uncertainty are noted.A frame structure of information flows in the management of the production of entomophages has been developed.The algorithm for constructing an intelligent decision support system in the production of entomophages has been improved.Directions for improving intelligent decision support systems in the production of entomophages are proposed based on the structuring of knowledge using frames and associative maps using data mining, previous technological experience in the form of knowledge bases of precedents and actions of a human operator in production management processes.The results of research can serve as an information base for the development of decision theory in the production of entomophages.