A cytoembryological study of the formation of microsporangium wall and the development of pollen grains in Campanula alliariifolia Willd. was carried out. A significant similarity in the structure of male embryonic structures in this species with the other representatives of Campanulaceae was revealed, namely: simultaneous formation of tetrads of microspores, bicellular pollen grains with relatively large vegetative cell, cellular secretory tapetum, bilayered endothecium. Characteristic features of this species are as follows: the absence of placentoids which indicates its evolutionary advancement, since the placentoids are characteristic of the most primitive representatives of the family; long-term, in comparison with previously studied species of the family, preservation of the tapetum, namely up to the opening of the anther, in the form of a cord of deformed tapetal cells located in a row and tightly adjacent to each other; relatively late appearance of fibrous bands.