Ear or nose are quite vulnerable to foreign bodies. Foreign bodies cause various side effects in the body. A special category consists of foreign bodies that are introduced for aesthetic purposes, in particular piercing products. Decoration implanted in the tissues of the ear or nose is a foreign body and is a field of increased contamination and reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. The aim of the study was to determine the infectious forms of complications that occurred after prolonged use of metal foreign bodies and to study the ability of biofilms by microorganisms isolated from the pathological contents of the foreign body of the auricle. 93 patients who applied to the ENT department of Kharkiv Regional Hospital for complications after implantation of metal foreign bodies and 10 people, control group, which had no foreign bodies, and were randomly selected from healthy individuals, were examined, to determine the qualitative composition of the microbiocenosis of the auricle skin. The material for the study was pathological discharge from a foreign body of the auricle. The microbiological study was performed using MICRO-LA-TEST identification kits. Studies of the formation of biofilms were studied by determining the ability of bacterial strains to adhere to the surface of polystyrene. The obtained cultures were washed with suspension media individual for each family of bacteria. The optical density of bacterial suspensions was measured using a microplate reader "MultiskanEX" (type 355). Statistical analysis of the obtained data was performed using MSExcel, Statisica 10 software. As a result of the conducted researches the dependence between the development of infectious complications of the auricle in the presence of metal foreign bodies and the microbiocenosis of the pathological focus was revealed. The study allowed to establish the structure of the microbial landscape of the skin of the auricle in the area of the metal foreign body, to determine the dominant forms of complications of infectious origin, after prolonged use of metal foreign bodies and to study the ability to form biofilms by microorganisms from different metals. The ability of various types of microorganisms to form biofilms when using products from different types of metals has been studied. It is established that the use of metal foreign bodies made of silver and gold reduces the risk of purulent-inflammatory process. It is proved that the optical density of biofilms of most microorganisms isolated from the pathological contents of the area of foreign bodies made of silver and gold is significantly lower than when using steel and titanium products.