This paper describes an experimental study concerning the pressure rise due to high current arcs in a closed chamber. In this study, the arcs were ignited in certain chambers of varying size under the same conditions, namely, an arc current of 12.5 kA and an arc duration of 0.1 s. Moreover, the pressure rises in the chambers were measured while varying the current waveform, namely, the frequency of the AC power source and the DC component of the current, and the ignition position. Based on each measured waveform, not only the maximum value ∆P max but also the middle value ∆P mid , which was the midpoint of the amplitude around the time point of ∆P max , were extracted. As a result of the evaluation using both ∆P max and ∆P mid , it was shown that ∆P max / ∆P mid varied with both the current waveform and the ignition position, whereas ∆P mid was independent of them. Through FFT analysis of both the pressure rise and the arc power waveforms, it was verified that this experimental result was related to the resonance effect between the pressure rise and the arc power oscillations.