Taping is a therapeutic technique used to prevent and treat sporting injuries and other conditions. This study aimed to clarify how kinesio taping versus non-elastic taping of the trunk affects postural control.[Participants and Methods] Thirty-three healthy male participants were included in this study. Participants were assigned to low or high trunk skeletal muscle mass groups. Main outcomes of path length and area representing the center of gravity sway were measured using a Zebris FDM-S system in three conditions: control, kinesio taping, and non-elastic taping. Tapes were applied to the rectus abdominis, external oblique, and erector spinae muscles. The measured limb position was seated on a balance cushion. [Results] The area of the low trunk mass group differed significantly between kinesio and non-elastic taping. However, the path length of the low trunk mass group and path length and area of participants with high trunk mass did not differ significantly between groups.[Conclusion] This study's findings indicated that two types of taping methods affected the area of gravitational sway in healthy adult males with a low trunk muscle mass.