ABSTRACT. It is shown that in Rn the operator /+oo f(X! -t,...Xn-tn)t-ldt ■oo maps L(logL) to weak L1 locally. A slight variant of the Calderón-Zygmund procedure provides a new approach to the previously known Lp boundedness of H, 1 < p < oo. Relatively sharp bounds are obtained as p -> 1+, and extrapolation produces the result for L(logL).Let a = al < ■ ■ ■ < an G Z, and for all t G R let -y(i) = (tai,..., ta") G Rn. The Lp boundedness of operators such as Hf(x) -pv J f(x -7(í))í_1 dt has been studied by a number of authors [SW,JRdF,G,8,Cl,C2,PS]. In all this work there are two main steps: First one proves L2 bounds, and then further arguments are used to pass to Lp. A prototypical technique for deducing Lp bounds from L2 bounds is the Calderón-Zygmund theory of singular integrals. As is well known [Si], if K agrees with a function away from the origin, K G L°° and K satisfies the Hörmander condition (1) below, then convolution with K is bounded on all IP and is of weak type onL1. H is a limiting case just outside the scope of that theory, for it is given by convolution with a distribution K which is homogeneous under the family of dilations 8rx = (raix\,..., ranxn), but which is equal to a difference of two Dirac measures when restricted to the unit sphere. The Hörmander condition fails, but several substitute arguments have been found [SW, JRdF, Cl]. Our purpose here is to indicate a variant of the Calderón-Zygmund procedure which does apply to H ; the main point will be that H satisfies a certain generalization of the Hörmander condition. Our method applies to a more general class of convolution operators as well as to related maximal functions. This technique appears to be slightly more precise than the reasoning used in previous studies of H and related operators. Fix a bounded subset B of Rn. L1'00 denotes the usual space weak L1, equipped with the natural quasi-norm. THEOREM 1. H is a bounded operator from L(logL)(B) to L1'co(B). The same holds for the maximal function M1f(x) = supr>0 r~l f00?'~1/0