Nonlinear evolution differential equations with unbounded linear operators of disturbance by Gaussian random processes are considered in an abstract Hilbert space. For the Cauchy problem for the differential equations, the sufficient existence and uniqueness conditions for their solutions are proved and the sufficient conditions for the equivalence of the probability measures generated by these solutions are derived. Moreover, the corresponding Radon-Nikodym densities are calculated explicitly in terms of the coefficients or characteristics of the considered differential equations. Keywords: evolution differential equations, evolution family of bounded operators, Radon-Nikodym density, equivalence of probability measures, generating operator, Hilbert-Schmidt operator.Applied scientific and engineering problems are known to involve differential equations with random terms or coefficients that describe the behavior of systems in random media. The solutions of such equations obviously generate probability measures in infinite-dimensional spaces.One of the major problems in the theory of random processes is to establish the sufficient conditions for the equivalence of the above-mentioned probability measures with respect to some standard well-studied measures and to explicitly determine the corresponding Radon-Nikodym densities, naturally, in terms of known quantities, and in our case, in terms of the coefficients of the equations under study, their characteristics or abstract transformations. The existence of such densities allows an efficient solution of applied problems with the use of integration over known standard distributions (for example, Gaussian, Wiener, etc.) for which algorithms are available.The publications [1-42] address the absolute continuity and equivalence of probability measures for different classes of nonlinear transformations and nonlinear differential equations with Gaussian perturbation, which were applied to calculate optimal estimates in extrapolation and filtration problems for the solution of the differential equations [7,8,12,[34][35][36][37][38][39].The present paper can be considered as a continuation of the studies in this field for nonlinear evolution differential equations in a Hilbert space H and of the studies initiated in [44] for random fields being the solutions of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary-value problems for nonlinear elliptic differential equations in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space.In contrast to the previous studies, we will consider, for the first time, nonlinear differential equations with unbounded linear operators, which are a family of generating operators for the evolution family of bounded operators. We will use the concept of extended stochastic integral and the results from [9] to establish the sufficient conditions for the equivalence of the probability measures under study and to calculate explicitly the corresponding Radon-Nikodym densities.Denote by { } W, , Ã P a fixed probability space and by H a real separable Hilbert space with scalar product ( ,...