-(Rock outcrop habitats in the Venezuelan Guayana lowlands: their main vegetation types and floristic components). The Guayana Shield, located in north-eastern South America, consists of a highly complex and composite mosaic of landscape elements. Amongst these, inselbergs are very conspicuous, because of their peculiar shape and their unusual associated vegetation. Geologically, these rock outcrops are part of the underlying ancient igneous-metamorphic basement and occur mainly in the lowlands of the periphery of the shield. As azonal habitats, inselbergs harbour a highly specialized flora. The characteristic vegetation is composed of lithophytic and savanna-like plant communities, as well as low dry forests. As a whole, the vegetation of an inselberg may be interpreted as a mosaic of marginal habitats. Therefore a large number of taxa find suitable niches in a quite condensed space. Gradients of soil depth and water availability are the main factors determining the floristic composition. A preliminary floristic inventory of the Venezuelan inselberg flora comprises 614 vascular plant species. 24% of them are endemic to the Guayana region, 15% are endemic to inselbergs of the Guayana region. The distribution patterns of these latter, eco-endemic species allows to distinguish a northern and a southern inselberg district. The two districts overlap in the Átures area, in the surroundings of Puerto Ayacucho, where a true centre of endemism is located. The distinction into two districts is emphasised by different phytogeographic relations. The southern inselberg district shows connections to the "tepui" flora, whereas the northern district reveals phytogeographic relations to the Caribbean region as well as to the Brazilian Shield. Possible explanations for the floristic interchange across the equator are discussed.Key words -endemism, flora, Guayana Shield, inselberg, phytogeography, Venezuela RESUMO -(Hábitats em afloramentos rochosos nas terras baixas da Guiana Venezuelana: os principais tipos vegetacionais e componentes florísticos). O Escudo das Guianas, situado no nordeste da América do Sul, consiste de um mosaico altamente complexo de elementos de paisagem. Dentre estes, os "inselbergs" são particularmente conspícuos, pelo seu formato peculiar e a incomum vegetação associada. Geologicamente, estes afloramentos rochosos são parte de um antigo substrato ígneo-metamórfico e ocorrem principalmente nas terras baixas da periferia do escudo. Como hábitats azonais, os "inselbergs" abrigam uma flora altamente especializada. A vegetação característica é composta de comunidades litofíticas, semelhantes a savanas, bem como de florestas secas baixas. Como um todo, a vegetação de um "inselberg" pode ser vista como um mosaico de hábitats marginais. Assim, um grande número de táxons encontra nichos adequados em um espaço extremamente condensado. Gradientes de profundidade de solo e disponibilidade de água são os principais fatores determinando a composição florística. Um inventário florístico preliminar da flora de "...