Brown, Clark, Lamchen, and Todd: 427. Experiments towards the Bynthesis of Corrins. Part V P The Dimerisation of Al-Pyrroline 1 -Oxides to 2 4 '-Hydroxypyrrolidin-2'-yl)-A1-pyrroline 1 -Oxides. By R. F. C. BROWN, V. M. CLARK, M. LAMCHEN, and SIR ALEXANDEH TODD.Under certain conditions, sodamide in liquid ammonia catalyses the dimerisation of Al-pyrroline 1-oxides to 2 : 2'-dipyrrolidinyl derivatives. In the case of 5 : 5-dimethyl-A1-pyrroline l-oxide a degradative proof of structure of the dimer is presented.THE corrin nucleus (I), upon which the macrocyclic component of the vitamin B,, chromophore is based, is distinguished from the closely related porphyrins not only by the difference in oxidation level but also by the absence of a meso-carbon atom linking rings A and D. In exploring possible synthetic routes to the corrins we have therefore examined methods for the elaboration of intermediates related to 2 : 2'-bipyrrolidinyl (11), in addition to these based on dipyrrolidin-2-ylmethane (111). Derivatives of the latter formed the subject of the preceding paper in which the base-catalysed aldol-type reactions of various Al-pyrrohe l-oxides (IV) were recorded. n -C H & J N (III)
HThe nitrone group (V), although capable of undergoing nucleophilic addition at the carbon atom,2 might also be expected to exhibit electrophilic reactivity a t that site as expressed by the canonical form (VI); indeed, the N-oxide linkage in pyridine l-oxide is highly polarisable in both directions 8 and electropkilic substitution in the 4-position of pyridine oxide occurs r e a d i l~.~ Moreover, in the aliphatic series, the anion of nitromethane (V; R = H, R' = 0-) dimerises by an addition equivalent to that of (V) to (VI) to yield, ultimately, nitroacetic acid; ti and the adduct (V; R = H, R' = Ph) of formaldehyde and C,,H,,N, requires equiv., 98). The oil had pK,, = 6.95 and pK, = 10.3.