The structures of two new, naturally occurring p-lactams are proposed on the basis of spectroscopic properties, and their interconversion.RECEXT reports have described the structures of clavulanic acid (1)l and thienamycin (2) ,2 two naturally occurring /3-lactams with novel, bicyclic ring systems. We now describe the spectroscopic evidence to support structures (3) and (8) for MM 13902 and MM 4550, two new p-lactam antibiotics isolated from Streptoinyces o l i ~a c e u s . ~ The derivative MM 13902 was isolated as the freezedried disodium salt (4),$ Cl,Hl,N2Na,0,S2, which had the following properties: [cc];bo -81" (c 1.0 in H,O); Vmax (KBr) 1750 (p-lactam CO), 1675 (amide CO), 1620br (C0,-), and 1220-1270br (OSO,-) cm-l; A, , , (H,O) 307 ( E 15,520) and 227 (14,650) nm. The lH n.m.r. spectrum in D20 (rel. to internal standard MeCN, 6 2-00) revealed thirteen of the protons ; the smide proton exchanged under these conditions. f We shall refer to structure (A) (see end of text) as olivanic acid. g y C H 2 0 H H O ) -q -sc H ,C" * NH * 0 f Me $ The empirical formula was obtained by elemental analysis of several crystalline monoester derivatives and mass spectral studies on the dimethyl ester.