The values of the electron self-exchange rate constants, kl I (~~) , for the copper(II/I) complexes formed with the cyclic tetrathiaethers [ 131aneS4 and [ 1 51aneS4 have been determined using IH-NMR line-broadening measurements in D20 at several different temperatures to yield the following results for 25 OC, corrected to p = 0.1 M (NO3-): for CuIV1 ([13]aneS4), kll(ex) = 3.2 X 105 M-1 s-1, AH* = 10 f 1 kJ mol-', AS* = -106 f 7 J K-1 mol-1; for CuII/1- ([15]aneS,), kll(cx) = 1.2 X 104 M-1 s-1, AH* = 21 f 1 kJ mol-1, AS* = -97 f 7 J K-1 mol-'. The cross-reaction rate constants have also been determined in aqueous solution by means of stopped-flow methods for these complexes reacting with a series of selected oxidants and reductants: CoII(Med[ 141 tetraeneN4)(H20)2, Ru1I(NHs)4bpy, RuI1(NH3)5py, RuI1(NH3)6, CoI1l(Me4[ 141 tetraeneN4)( H20)2, Ru1I1(NHd4bpy, NilI1( [ 14]aneN4)(H20)2, Ru1lI(NH3)2(bpy)2, and FeI1I(4,7-Me2phen)3. The self-exchange rate constants calculated by applying the Marcus relationship to the rate constants for reactions involving CuIIL reduction (kl I ( R~) ) are within experimental error of each other and agree with the kl values determined by NMR. However, as in earlier studies, the self-exchange rate constant values calculated from CuIL oxidation reactions (kl '(ox)) are generally smaller, except for very slow cross reactions. This pattern of behavior is in agreement with our previously proposed dual-pathway square scheme in which conformational change and the electron-transfer step occur in a sequential, rather than a concerted, manner. For the Cul1/1([ 131aneS4) system, a lower limit of k~p 1 200 s-I is estimated for the rate constant representing the conformational change from the ground state Cu(1) species to the metastable intermediate which precedes the electron transfer step via the preferred pathway. For the CuII/I( [ 1 51aneS4) system, a rough limit of k~p I 5 s-I is suggested by the data. Moreover, for this latter system, the secondary pathway was found to be more competitive than is the case for either the CulI/I([l3]aneS4) system or the previously studied Cu1I/1( [ 14laneS4) system, so that gated behavior is anticipated to occur only within a very narrow set of conditions.
IntroductionStudies on CuII/IL systems (L = coordinated ligand) have often