Introduction. Physical culture as a component of general culture, the social manifestations of which are physical education and mass sports, is an important factor in a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, organization of meaningful leisure, formation of humanistic values and creating conditions for comprehensive harmonious human development.Physical activity is one of the main factors that determines the level of physical fitness of the younger generation [1], a prerequisite for creating prospects for strong inclusion of physical culture in children's lifestyles [2], as well as the basis for normal development of human body, stimulating its adaptive mechanisms [3,4].In modern society there is a steady trend of decreasing the level of development of motor skills in children of primary school age. Thus, Sergienko A.V., and Maslyak I.P. (2018) note that motor activity of primary school children is reduced compared to preschoolers by about 2-2.5 times, which in turn delays the physical and mental development of the child.The diagnostics of the state of development of motor skills is a very important point in the process of physical education of schoolchildren. The level of development of basic motor skills in primary school children (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, agility) is assessed by a set of control exercises that meet the basic requirements of standardization of measurements and play an important role in reaching educational, therapeutic and wellnessgoals of physical education [5,6].Materials and methods of research. A total of 1,003 students took part in the study (upon the written consent of parents). To determine the level of physical qualities in children, commonly used for primary school students motor tests were used: a 30 meter sprint test (s) was used to characterize the level of speed development; to characterize the level of flexibility, we used a sit-and-reach test (bending froward in sitting position); to characterize the level of development of speed and power qualities, the long jump test (cm) was used; to characterize the level of strength development, we used the pull-up test on the crossbar (times); the 4 x 9 m (s) shuttle running test was used to determine the level of agility development; to characterize the level of development of strength endurance, we used the sit-up test per (pump the press) 60 s (times). Control tests were conducted in the gym in the presence of a physical education teacher.Statistical processing of the obtained results was calculated using Microsoft Excel, where the arithmetic mean and standard error of the arithmetic mean (M ± m) in each motor test were determined. Analysis of the probability of the difference between the results obtained in the motor tests was performed using the Student's t test (p <0,05).