The preceding axiom rests on the consensus adopted at the beginning of the 21st century, according to which life originates at a certain stage of the space and planetary evolution of matter as its specific trait. In the opinion of V.I. Vernadsky, "life and living matter are general manifestations of outer space" [1]. In turn, Academician E.M. Galimov wrote [2, p. 18; 3, p. 31]:Life is very demanding on the conditions of its ori gin. Wherever life arises in our universe, molecularly, it should be structured in a similar way…. Hypotheti cal life founded on principles consisting of chemical elements and based on chemical compounds other than those of the protein-nucleic form is impossi ble. The process of ordering matter lies within a rel atively narrow range of possibilities … as a phenom enon of rising and hereditary ordering, inherent, under certain conditions, in the chemical history of carbon compounds … with the key role of the ATP molecule (a possible trigger for transforming conser vative matter into a living substance -A.L.)…. As opposed to the principle of competitive struggle, the development of ordering does not require either the elimination or displacement of the precursor.Recent studies have largely been favored by the fundamental concept of cyanobacterial communities, which was introduced into modern natural science by Academician G.A. Zavarzin, who pointed to the spe cific principle of the billion year long existence of microbiota [4, p. 992]:The unity of time and space, proclaimed by A. Humboldt, is the necessary basis for interac tions in the present. Therefore, the preservation of the old is a condition of the existence of the new. Hence, the preservation of the entire system of liv ing beings (old ones being even more important than new ones in this respect) is a necessary condi tion rather than the omission of incomplete evolu tion. Functionally, overlapping occurs rather than secondary replacement; in other words, evolution is additive.In ascertaining the biospheric functions of micro organisms in the transformation of gases, Zavarzin and his associates discovered the extremely thermo philic hydrogen oxidizing bacteria Carboxydother mus hydrogenoformans and defined "hydrogenotro phy as the initial type of metabolism of primary pro ducers … when biota in the ecosystem can exist on an arm and the closure of the trophic chain into a cycle is not necessary. The oxidation of H 2 does not lead to the accumulation of toxic products" [5, p. 240]. Zavarzin points to the innate persistence of cyano bacteria and their billion year additive evolution, which is, most likely, inherited by other organisms. And here comes the question: is evolution the essence of biology? [6].This question aligns with Galimov's admonitory thesis [2, p. 19]:To all appearances, the unobservability of cosmic intelligence is due to the historically short term of the existence of civilization. Emerging in different points of the universe as a result of evolution, whichThe scientific community has been trying to explain the phenome...