Using histological techniques at the light-microscope level, we examined and compared structure and sexual dimorphism of the wing sacs and integumentary glandular scent organs of 11 species of microchiropteran bats. The antebrachial wing sacs of the Neotropical emballonurids Peropteryx macrotis, Saccopteryx bilineata, and Saccopteryx leptura differed in size and location but lacked sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, confirming that they were holding sacs rather than glandular scent organs. Glandular scent organs from 11 species consisted of sebaceous and (or) sudoriferous glands in emballonurids (P. macrotis, S. bilineata, S. leptura, Taphozous melanopogon, Taphozous nudiventris), hipposiderids (Hipposiderous fulvus, Hipposiderous ater), the phyllostomid Sturnira lilium, the vespertilionid Rhogeessa anaeus, and molossids (Molossus ater and Molossus sinaloe). Glandular scent organs were located on the face (H. fulvus, H. ater), gular region (S. bilineata, P. macrotis, T. melanopogon, M. ater, M. sinaloe), chest (T. nudiventris), shoulder (S. lilium), or ears (R. anaeus). Glandular scent organs showed greater similarities within than between families, and typically were rudimentary or lacking in females. Scanning electron microscope examination revealed that the hairs associated with glandular areas of male T. melanopogon were larger and had a different cuticular-scale pattern than body hairs. These were osmetrichia, hairs specialized for holding and dispersing glandular products. In S. lilium, hairs associated with the shoulder scent-gland area were larger than body hairs but similar in cuticular-scale pattern.