1 Heteromeric P2X 2/3 receptors are much more sensitive than homomeric P2X 2 receptors to abmethylene-ATP, and this ATP analogue is widely used to discriminate the two receptors on sensory neurons and other cells. 2 We sought to determine the structural basis for this selectivity by synthesising ADP and ATP analogues in which the ab and/or bg oxygen atoms were replaced by other moieties (including -CH 2 -, -CHF-, -CHCl -, -CHBr-, -CF 2 -, -CCl 2 -, -CBr 2 -, -CHSO 3 -, -CHPO 3 -, -CFPO 3 -, -CClPO 3 -, -CH 2 -CH 2 -, -CC -, -NH -, -CHCOOH -). 3 We tested their actions as agonists or antagonists by whole-cell recording from human embryonic kidney cells expressing P2X 2 subunits alone (homomeric P2X 2 receptors), or cells expressing both P2X 2 and P2X 3 subunits, in which the current through heteromeric P2X 2/3 receptors was isolated. 4 ADP analogues had no agonist or antagonist effect at either P2X 2 or P2X 2/3 receptors. All the ATP analogues tested were without agonist or antagonist activity at homomeric P2X 2 receptors, except bgdifluoromethylene-ATP, which was a weak agonist. 5 At P2X 2/3 receptors, bg-imido-ATP, bg-methylene-ATP, and bg-acetylene-ATP were weak agonists, whereas ab,bg-and bg,gd-bismethylene-AP 4 were potent full agonists. bg-Carboxymethylene-ATP and bg-chlorophosphonomethylene-ATP were weak antagonists at P2X 2/3 receptors (IC 50 about 10 mM). 6 The results indicate (a) that the homomeric P2X 2 receptor presents very stringent structural requirements with respect to its activation by ATP; (b) that the heteromeric P2X 2/3 receptor is much more tolerant of ab and bg substitution; and (c) that a P2X 2/3 -selective antagonist can be obtained by introduction of additional negativity at the bg-methylene.