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The COVID-19 pandemic and the unprecedented measures to contain it have disrupted the daily life of most people and affected their psychological well-being negatively. Despite the increasing worldwide relevance of exploring the psychological consequences of COVID-19, this study is one of the first Russian papers on this subject. In order to study the changes in the level of anxiety of students, that took shape during the forced self-isolation regime, the authors carried out two surveys involving the students of Moscow universities, according to Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and a socio-demographic questionnaire. The primary testing took place on March 2-16, 2020 in the face-to-face format; the subsequent online testing during the second stage was held from May 25 to May 30, 2020. The testing covered 13 young men and 29 girls aged from 18 to 25. The survey results showed that over 70% of the respondents regularly infringed the forced stay-at-home regime; 26.8% did not leave their place of residence with the exception of permitted absence cases; 12.2% strictly followed the established prescriptions and did not leave their place of residence at all. The average values of personal anxiety indicators before and during the introduction of restrictive measures did not differ significantly and amounted to 45.1 and 44.9 points respectively (p = 0.94). The level of situational anxiety increased markedly among the majority of respondents (from 38.0 to 45.6 points on the average, p = 0.0002). The intensity of changes in situational anxiety depended on its initial level – the respondents from the group showing the lowest original degree of anxiety suffered from stress most of all. The specific features of compliance with the forced self-isolation regime and the level of labour engagement did not affect the anxiety indicators; however, the stress connected with the examinations and the presentation of qualifying graduation papers was an additional factor affecting the psychoemotional state of the students during the pandemic.
BACKGROUND: Vitiligo is a multifactorial acquired disease characterized by the appearance of depigmented, clearly delineated patches, on various areas on the skin. Narrowband Ultraviolet B Therapy is a first-line therapy for nonsegmental vitiligo. At the same time, it often takes at least 6 months to achieve optimal results, which is not always convenient for patients, brings additional financial costs of treatment. Therefore, in most cases to reduce the number of phototherapy sessions requires the use of additional drugs aimed at stopping the progression of the process and with a minimal spectrum of side effects. AIM: to compare the effectiveness of azathioprine in combination with NB-UVB and NB-UVB monotherapy in progressive non-segmental vitiligo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 60 patients with advanced non-segmental vitiligodivided into two groups of 30 people in each. Group A patients received therapy with azathioprine in combination with NB-UVB, and Group B patients ― NB-UVB monotherapy. VASI (Vitiligo Area Scoring Index) and DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index) were used for all patients to evaluate therapy efficacy. RESULTS: All 60 patients diagnosed with nonsegmental progressive vitiligo completed the study and were included in the final analysis. Among patients who received the combined therapy protocol of azathioprine combined with narrowband phototherapy, a statistically more significant reduction in the severity and prevalence of the skin process was noted compared to the group of patients who received NB-UVB alone. More significant arresting of disease progression was noticed: in group A, among 30 patients, only 4 patients developed new lesions of vitiligo within 6 months of therapy, and in group B ― in 11 out of 30 patients. Group A patients showed a more significant reduction of VASI and DLQI compared to the control group. CONCLUSION: Thus, the combination of NB-UVB and azathioprine in the treatment of non-segmental vitiligo showed great efficacy in arresting and reducing of the disease activity, prevalence and severity of vitiligo. Azathioprine is well tolerated by patients and has a low spectrum of side effects, which allows its successful use to stabilize vitiligo and stimulate repigmentation of foci.
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