Treatment of [Mo(q5-C5H,)(q3-C3H5)I(NO)] or [Mo(q5-C5H6)(q3-C3H5)(NO)(NCMe)][PF,] with NaS,CNR, or AgOCOC,F5 affords [Mo(qS-C5H5)(q1-C3H6)(NO)(S2CNR2)], (1 ; R = M e or Et) and [Mo(q6-C5H6)-(q3-C3H5)(NO){OC(:O)C,F,)], respectively. The structures of these compounds are discussed. Treatment of (1 ) with electrophiles (EX) gives either cyclisation products, [Mo(q6-C5H5)(CHCH,EXCH2) (NO)(S,CNR,)], [EX = C2(CN)4 or (CF,),CO] or insertion products [Mo(q6-C5H5)(EXCH2CH:CH2)(NO)(S,CNMe,)] (EX = CF3C,CF3 or SO,). Treatment of (1 ; R = Me) with HCI and SOCI, affords [Mo(q6-C5H5)CI(NO)(S,CNMe,)] and [Mo-(q5-C5H5) (C3H5SOCI,)( NO) (S,CNMe,)], respectively. The properties of (1 ) are compared with those of [Mo(q5-C5H6)(~1-C5H5)(NO)(S2CNMe,)l and [Mo(C5Hd21(NO)1.