The article substantiates the objective inevitability of agriculture digital transformation. At the same time, the main goal of the digital technology introduction is defined as ensuring food security and achieving competitive advantages in the domestic and foreign markets of agricultural production. In the process of the study, there were established three main components that provide the digital transformation of the agricultural sector-resource, internal and productive. An assessment of each of them in the conditions of agriculture of the Volgograd region was carried out, which made it possible to identify a number of difficulties hindering the active introduction of digital technologies. Among the main constraints is the lack of specific facts that can confirm the creation of conditions for the growth of the effective component of digital transformation, which could be a driver for the use of digital technologies by the agribusiness. Other equally important factors include the impossibility of the region's existing infrastructure to directly affect the internal component of the digital transformation of agricultural production, the low share of agricultural employees with a high level of digital literacy, as well as the lack of information technology specialists with additional knowledge of agricultural features.