Abstract:The well-established synthesis of heptafluorobut-2-ene 2 from hexachlorobutadiene 1 and potassium fluoride has been further investigated, and novel dienes 3 and a triene 4 have been observed. Remarkably, the potassium salt of pentakis(trifluoromethyl)cyclopentadienide 7 has been isolated from this system. Salt 7 has also been obtained directly from 2. Cyclopentadiene 6 has been isolated from salt 7 by distillation from sulphuric acid. Bi-and tri-cyclic analogues of 7 have also been obtained, i.e., 9 and 10, by reaction of 2 with perfluorocyclopentene.Key words: heptafluorobut-2-ene, pentakis(trifluoromethyl)cyclopentadienide 5H-pentakis(trifluoromethyl)cyclopentadiene.RCsumC : On a CtudiC 2 nouveau la synthbse bien connue de l'heptafluorobut-2-kne 2 2 partir de 1'hexachlorobutadibne 1 et du fluorure de potassium; on a observC la formation de nouveaux dibnes 3 et d'un trikne 4. D'une f a~o n remarquable, on a isolC de ce systbme le pentakis(trifluoromCthyl)cyclopentadiCnure de potassium 7. Par distillation du sel7 en prksence d'acide sulfurique, on a isolC le cyclopentadikne 6 2 partir du sel7. La rkaction du composC 2 avec le perfluorocyclopentkne a permis aussi d'obtenir les analogues bi-9 et tricycliques 10 du composC 7.
IMots clPs : heptafluorobut-2-ene, pentakis(trifluoromCthyl)cyclopentadiCnure, 5H-pentakis(trifluoromethyl)cyclopentadikne.
[Traduit par la redaction]There is a wide interest in methodology for the introduction of trifluoromethyl and other perfluoroalkyl groups into organic compounds (2), and we are concerned with the alkene (2)-2H-1 heptafluorobut-2-ene 2 as a potential "building block.' for this ' purpose. This F-alkene is especially significant because it can ' be obtained directly from hexachloro-l,3-butadiene 1, by simple displacement using potassium fluoride in an aprotic solvent. This synthesis was described in 1963 by Maynard (3), from the du Pont Co., and has subsequently been used by other workers, including this laboratory (4). However, in recent further investigation of this reaction, we have discovered some remarkable new products.The overall procedure involves heating hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 1 with anhydrous potassium fluoride in an aprotic solvent; Maynard (3) described N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone and we have found that sulpholan is very satisfactory (4). The products vary significantly with reaction conditions, and we have now identified and separated from 2 two interesting new fluorinated dienes 3a and 3b, and even a triene 4. These compounds were separated by fractional distillation and the stereoReceived November 14, 1995. R.D.Chambers@durham.ac.uk chemistry of the major diene isomer 3a follows from I9F NMR coupling constant data, since it is known that 5~( c i s -~~3 ,~~3 values are greater than 10 Hz, 5~( t r a n s -~~3 ,~~3 ) values are typically less than 2 Hz, and 4~( t r a n s -~~3 ,~) coupling constants are less than for 4~( c i s -~~3 ,~) ( 3 , as shown in Fig. 1. In contrast, we were unable to deduce the structure of the minor isomer 3b (see experimental sect...