Study of histocompatibility or HLA‐ typing, has not lost its significance in transplantation,so long as success of transplantation correlates with the number of coincidence of HLA‐ antigens in donor and in recipient to date.
We analyzed 505 potential donors HSC registered in the database of RD HSC on sex, nationality, as well as on prevalence of HLA antigens on locus ‐A, B, C, DRB1, DQB1. SSP technique typing was carried out on low resolution and SBT method was carried outon high resolution.
Typing carried out on low and high resolutionsof locucA, B, C, DRB1 averaged 9‐10%, and by locuc DQB1typing on high resolution was over 39%. Frequency of locus among potential HSC donors situation is as follows: 17 antigen species were found on this locus A. Meanwhile, the most frequent following antigens were found: A2 ‐ 25.4%, A24 ‐ 16.4%,and A1 ‐ 11.9%.
31 antigen species were foundon locusB; the most frequent were antigen B35‐11.4%, B44‐7.9%,and B15‐7.8%.
12 antigen species were found on locus C, the most frequentwere C7 ‐20.6%, 15.4% C6,and C1‐ 14,5%.
The most spread antigens were DRB1 7‐14,3%, DRB1 4‐13,5%,and DRB1‐15‐ 12.1%, respectively, among 13 identified genes among potential HSC donors.
DQB locus is presented by 6 types: DQB103, 02, 06, 05, 04, 16,the most spread antigen wasDQB1‐ 03, which covers more than one third of antigens presented in a given locus.