SynopsisPersonal image, as it relates to external beauty, has attracted much attention from the cosmetic industry, and capillary aesthetics is a leader in consumption in this area. There is a great diversity of products targeting both the treatment and beautification of hair. Among them, hair straighteners stand out with a high demand by costumers aiming at beauty, social acceptance and ease of daily hair maintenance. However, this kind of treatment affects the chemical structure of keratin and of the hair fibre, bringing up some safety concerns. Moreover, the development of hair is a dynamic and cyclic process, where the duration of growth cycles depends not only on where hair grows, but also on issues such as the individual's age, dietary habits and hormonal factors. Thus, although hair fibres are composed of dead epidermal cells, when they emerge from the scalp, there is a huge variation in natural wave and the response to hair cosmetics. Although it is possible to give the hair a cosmetically favourable appearance through the use of cosmetic products, for good results in any hair treatment, it is essential to understand the mechanisms of the process. Important information, such as the composition and structure of the hair fibres, and the composition of products and techniques available for hair straightening, must be taken into account so that the straightening process can be designed appropriately, avoiding undesirable side effects for hair fibre and for health. This review aims to address the morphology, chemical composition and molecular structure of hair fibres, as well as the products and techniques used for chemical hair relaxing, their potential risk to hair fibre and to health and the legal aspects of their use.R esum e L'image personnelle, en ce qui concerne la beaut e ext erieure, a beaucoup attir e l'attention de l'industrie cosm etique, et l'esth etique capillaire est un leader de la consommation dans ce domaine. Il existe une grande vari et e de produits ciblant a la fois le traitement et la beaut e du cheveu. Parmi eux, les d efrisants se d etachent par une forte demande de la part des consommateurs visant la beaut e, l'acceptation sociale et la facilit e de l'entretien quotidien des cheveux. Cependant, ce genre de traitement affecte la structure chimique de la k eratine et de la fibre capillaire, suscitant des inqui etudes en ce qui concerne la sant e. En outre, la croissance des cheveux est un processus dynamique et cyclique, o u la dur ee des cycles de croissance d epend non seulement de l'endroit o u poussent les cheveux mais egalement de questions li ees a l'âge de l'individu, a ses habitudes alimentaires de même qu' a des facteurs hormonaux. Ainsi, bien que la fibre capillaire soit compos ee de cellules epidermiques mortes, quand celles-ci emergent du cuir chevelu, il existe une tr es grande variation de l'ondulation naturelle et de la r eponse aux cosm etiques capillaires. Bien qu'il soit possible, grâce a l'utilisation de produits cosm etiques, de donner a la chevelure une belle apparen...