In order to develop the economy and achieve the goals of the strategic development of the state, more and more attention is paid to the management of innovations and projects implemented on their basis. Since 2005, the main directions of the state policy in the field of science and innovation development have been approved in Russia, and since then the concept of innovation project, which combines two terms innovation and project, has become especially significant for the development of science and the Russian economy. The article provides a brief excursion into the historical formation of the term: the thoughts of the ancient Greek philosophers who became the founders of the term Aristotle, J. Schumpeter, who invested in the term the meaning of innovation, innovation, as well as creative activity, as a result of which manufacturers create a new product or service, are considered. unknown to the population or the market, or endow already known objects with new properties. The paper determines that an innovative project is a complex process, which, in turn, can be considered from three positions: as new knowledge, from the point of view of introducing innovations into practice, and as the dissemination of innovative experience in various areas of public life. This paper presents a historical digression into the concept of an innovative project. analysis of theoretical approaches to the definition of the term innovation project: a review of the definitions given by domestic and foreign authors in their research is presented, the role of innovation in modern economics is studied. Particular attention is paid to the study of the definition, essence, criteria for innovative projects in the framework of the International Standard for Project Management ISO 21500:2012. In addition, the paper considers the stages of implementation of innovative projects at the enterprise, as well as the content, characteristics, classification and features of the implementation of innovative projects within the framework of enterprises in modern economic conditions. An overview is presented on the innovation project management model, as well as statistical indicators of the implementation of innovative projects in industries and the reasons why enterprises initiate their start.