We find a set of generators and relations for the system of extended tautological rings associated to the moduli spaces of stable maps in genus zero, admitting a simple geometrical interpretation. In particular, when the target is P n , these give a complete presentation for the cohomology and Chow rings in the cases with/without marked points.Let d ∈ H 2 (X) be a curve class on a smooth projective variety X. The space M 0,0 (X, d) parametrizes maps from rational smooth or nodal connected curves into X with image class d, such that any contracted component contains at least 3 nodes. Over M 0,0 (X, d) there exists a tower of moduli spaces of stable maps with marked points and morphisms M 0,m+1 (X, d) → M 0,m (X, d) forgetting one marked point. Moreover, M 0,m+1 (X, d), together with an evaluation map ev m+1 : M 0,m+1 (X, d) → X and m natural sections σ i : M 0,m (X, d) → M 0,m+1 (X, d), form the universal family over M 0,m (X, d).In this paper we investigate the relation between the structure of the cohomology ring of the variety X and that of M 0,m (X, d), which is less than obvious in particular when m = 0. When marked points exist, pullback by the natural evaluation maps ev i : M 0,m (X, d) → X generates a set of classes on the moduli space. A system of tautological rings for {M 0,m (X, d)} m is con-* Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: A.Mustata@ucc.ie (A.M. Mustaţǎ), Andrei.mustata@ucc.ie (A. Mustaţǎ).