The numbers of traffic accidents occurrences are frightful. It is evaluated that the cost of the accidents is near to 1% of the GIP in poor countries and 2% in the developed nations. In global terms, U$ 518 billion/year are expensed. In Brazil, studies point that there was a fall in 20 thousand of fatal victims in traffic accidents between 1987 and 1998. Currently, we had around 30 thousand deaths/year in the traffic. This reduction can be partly justified for the Brazilian Transit Code, which works since 22 January 1998. Considered a challenge for the managing agencies of the road urban planning, the reduction of the traffic accidents occurrences become a subject incessantly discussed in the public administration. In front of this urban reading, this study proposes to know the characteristics of the traffic accidents occurred in the urban area of the Uberlândia-MG, considering the period 2004-2004, as well to space the streets, the stretches and the crossings with more accidents, intending to identify this streets through techniques available in BRAZIL (2002) and Gold (1998). This procedure was adapted from the available data base by SETTRAN and they had determined which are the critical streets, stretches and crossings in question. By these procedures, we present the identification of twenty streets, twenty stretches and twenty crossings where happens the biggest numbers of transit accidents and the highest numbers of UPS of the traffic accidents between 2000 and 2004. Considering the critical situation of the analyzed segments, the following described streets had been considered important because they are enumerated in all of the ranked and grouped selections, as well as the stretches and the crossings. The streets are: João Naves de Ávila Avenue, Rondon Pacheco Avenue, followed by Afonso Pena Avenue and Floriano Peixoto Avenue. For the critical stretches, these are the main streets and its more significant intersections are located in the central area and streets with access to the "Shopping Center". About the crossings, the streets intersected with those streets make possible the conflicts. On account of the high frequency of the traffic accidents in a same local, we established the critical points with basis in the significance that the numbers of the traffic accidents present and specifications presented by the identified place. For the reduction of the conflict relations in traffic, as well for to prevent a great number of traffic accidents occurrences, we considered education measures that take the citizens to attitudes and behaviors of social living when they use a street common to the pedestrians and vehicles. Thus, the reach of this objective is special, once it is pledged in the search of strategies that can optimize the available resources and establish partnerships for guarantee the effectiveness of the defined strategies, driving away this mad which devastates the city.