Additional information is available at the end of the chapter Quality Management and Six Sigma 132 amount of investments adequate to achieved quality and safety levels that may be guaranteed for the allocated money), to users (the forecast made in time has mobilized them on the basis of the 'forewarned is forearmed' concept; using our recommendations, in utilization stage they can extract from the system the best effects, that were assumed in concept, design&development and support stages).This work is purposed for systems analysts from customers, developers, users, as well as investigators and staff of quality and security management, experts of testing laboratories and certification bodies. It can be used in system life cycle to form system requirements, compare different processes, substantiate technical decisions, carrying out tests, adjust technological parameters, estimate quality and risks. The decisions, scientifically proved by the offered models and software tools, can provide purposeful essential improvement of quality and mitigation of risks and decrease expenses for created and operating systems. The spectrum of the explored systems is indeed broad; it includes systems operated by government agencies, manufacturing structures (including enterprises, oil-and-gas and transport facilities, and hazardous production systems), food storage, power generation, financial and business, aviation and space industry, emergency services, municipal economy, military, etc. Moreover, our assessments and forecasts are generated much faster, feature innovations, have invariably high quality and, most important, the expected effects may be easily interpreted (what specifically is the result and how it can be reached) regardless of whether it pertains to increase in gains or reduction in losses. Eventually, having gained experience and being sure that those instruments are of use, we decided to share our knowledge and skills for analyzing and optimizing system processes in quality management. It should be stressed from the very beginning that no one forces you to use these proposed models, methods, and software tools. Any author trusts primarily his/her own models and is suspicious about someone else's if uses them at all. From this perspective we also understand our colleagues from the writers' community, share their doubts and nevertheless invite them... Join us, the esteemed reader. The knowledge that you will gain after even brief acquaintance with the work or just browsing the book and then comprehending its content will not allow you to continue unsystematic life without forecasting quality and risks! You can easily verify this author's forecast.