Mastella L., Konon A., Dwornik M., Ludwiniak M., Rybak-Ostrowska B. and Śmigielski M. (2013) Tec ton ics of the Chęciny Anticline (Holy Cross Mts., cen tral Po land) in the light of new car to graphic data and cal cite vein anal y sis (dis cus sion). Geolog i cal Quar terly, 57 (1): 175-180, doi: 10.7306/gq.1070 Jurewicz and Stępień (2012) dis cussed the geo met ric recon struc tion of the Chęciny Anticline based on new map data. The two, newly found ex po sures of Cam brian rocks, not reported pre vi ously from the south ern limb of the fold, and fracture anal y sis based on data from Rzepka Quarry, en abled these au thors to pro pose dif fer ent in ter pre ta tions of struc tures mapped ear lier by Czarnocki (1938, 1948), Filonowicz (1967 and Hakenberg (1973). More over, Jurewicz and Stępień (2012) pro vided new in ter pre ta tions of the evo lu tion of the Chęciny Anticline, on as so ci ated trans verse faults and extensional fractures, as well as pro vid ing an es ti mate of the strain ra tio in the Kielce fold zone.Sev eral of their in ter pre ta tions are chal lenged in this dis cussion. Par tic u larly, we con sider that some of their ar gu ments, i.e. con cern ing the pres ence of Cam brian rocks at the lo ca tions shown by the au thors and re gard ing the ge om e try and for mation of folds, com po nents of move ment across the fault planes, their model of de vel op ment of the extensional frac tures, the tim ing of the struc ture's for ma tion, as well as their ter mi nol ogy are mis lead ing and are in need of amend ment.Jurewicz and Stępień (2012) de scribed "two new Cam brian out crops" lo cated near Chęciny: one lo cated to the west, and the sec ond to the east of Rzepka Hill. We have con ducted geolog i cal map ping in both ar eas. At the first lo ca tion, be low a thin clay layer with frag ments of quartzitic sand stone of prob a ble Cam brian age, we have found red ferruginous and si li ceous quartz sand stones rep re sent ing the Buntsandstein fa cies re ferable to the Lower Tri as sic, as well as Mid dle De vo nian dolomites (Fig. 1). At the sec ond lo ca tion, no frag ments of quartzitic sand stones that could be as signed to the Cam brian have been found. Only regolith was found there, with frag ments of white and yel low quartz sand stone, poorly ce mented and free of iron ox ides. The sand stone most prob a bly be longs to the Lower Tri as sic Buntsandstein fa cies.Based on data from those two out crops, Jurewicz and Stępień (2012) dis cussed the ge om e try of the fold pro file of the Chęciny Anticline in the Holy Cross Moun tains fold belt. They con sid ered that it formed due to diapiric-like move ments, with a lo cal de tach ment formed at the bound ary of com pe tent and incom pe tent rocks, and they have mis in ter preted Konon (2006) in sup port of their in ter pre ta tion. Konon (2006) merely sug gested that de tach ment ho ri zons played a sig nif i cant role in the de forma tion, al though not dur ing the "Al pine oro gen esis" as in dicated by Jurewicz and Stępień, but dur i...