In this paper we address the problem of the prohibitively large computational cost of existing Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for large-scale applications with high dimensional parameter spaces, e.g. in uncertainty quantification in porous media flow. We propose a new multilevel Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, and give an abstract, problem dependent theorem on the cost of the new multilevel estimator based on a set of simple, verifiable assumptions. For a typical model problem in subsurface flow, we then provide a detailed analysis of these assumptions and show significant gains over the standard Metropolis-Hastings estimator. Numerical experiments confirm the analysis and demonstrate the effectiveness of the method with consistent reductions of more than an order of magnitude in the cost of the multilevel estimator over the standard Metropolis-Hastings algorithm for tolerances ε < 10 −2 . for any q < ∞ and δ > 0, where the (generic) constant C k,f,ψ,q (here and below) depends on the data k, f , ψ and on q, but is independent of any other parameters.Proof. This follows from [34, Proposition 4.1].Convergence results for functionals of the solution p can now be derived from Theorem 4.2 using a duality argument. We will here for simplicity only consider bounded, linear functionals, but the results extend to continuously Frèchet differentiable functionals (see [34, §3.2]). We make the following assumption on the functional G (cf. Assumption F1 in [34]).A2. Let G : H 1 (D) → R be linear, and suppose there exists C G ∈ R, such thatfor all δ > 0.An example of a functional which satisfies A2 is a local average of the pressure, 1 |D * | D * p dx for some D * ⊂ D. The main result on the convergence for functionals is the following. Corollary 4.3. Let the assumptions of Theorem 4.2 be satisfied, and suppose G satisfies A2. Thenfor any q < ∞ and δ > 0.Proof. This follows from [34, Corollary 4.1].Note that assumption A2 is crucial in order to get the faster convergence rates of the spatial discretisation error in Corollary 4.3. For multilevel estimators based on i.i.d. samples, it follows immediately from Corollary 4.3 that the (corresponding) assumptions M1 and M2 are satisfied, with α = 1/d + δ, α = 1/2 + δ and β = 2α, β = 2α , for any δ > 0 (see [34] for details).