growing body of literature recognizes the importance of a sustainable production of fuel (additives) 1-3 , chemicals and materials 4 from abundant and renewable lignocellulose 5,6 . Despite lignocellulose's high degree of functionality 7 , its conversion into alkanes can become an important alternative for bio-enrichment or the replacement of fossil-based alkanes 8 . The synthesis of identical molecules from an alternative biomass feedstock, instead of from crude oil, encompasses a promising strategy for the integration of bio-based carbon in the short term 9 . Integration of these technologies in an existing petrorefinery is, perhaps, the most straightforward and efficient way to proceed, but such synergies are currently immature.In line with rising concerns about fossil-derived CO 2 and climate change, objectives related to the implementation of renewable energy, including biofuels, have been put forward (Supplementary Note 1) 10 . The dependency of our current transportation market on diesel (C 10 -C 22 ), kerosene (C 8 -C 16 ) and gasoline (C 5 -C 12 ), certainly in the short-to-mid term, will still be high 11 . Therefore, the European Union for one, has targeted a market share of 10% for biofuels in transportation by 2020 12 , with a maximum of 7% from first-generation biomass 10 . Introducing renewable diesel as a dropin fuel, for instance, by Neste Oil, is one example to achieve these objectives. Nevertheless, the consumption of diesel, in contrast to that of gasoline, leads to a higher emission of particulate matter and NO x (for example, diesel exhaust emission scandals), a problem not solved by biodiesel replacement. Therefore, the importance of light fuels, such as gasoline, whether or not as an energy carrier in a future hybrid engine, will probably increase. Currently, gasoline, which is synthesized by blending different petrorefinery streams (for example, alkylate, isomerate and reformate) and light distillate feedstock, has an annual consumption of approximately 32 vol% of