Expanded Explanation Greenville Quadrangle Blue Ridge Rocks Stratified Units Gnt Nantahala Slate, Bark gray slate and mica schists^localljr containing feldspathic quartzita pCgs Great Smoky Group, largely feldspathic metasandstone, medium to thick pCgss bedded, with interbeds of feldspathic quartz -nica schist or pray pCgsm phyllite, includes some beds of qu->rbz -feldspar pebble conglomerate; pCgss, sericite schist with garnet and locally prominent biotite porphy rob lasts;pCgsm, aluminous schist pCge Bifctite gneiss>>dark gray,fine to -medium grained, massive to indistinctly layered . Interlayered with mas? ive to thin bedded ,fine-drained metagraywacke pCpca Amphibolite, dark pray to black, fine to medium grained, interlayered with gabbro, ultra mafic rocks and locally biotite gneiss pCpcp Biotite schist and gneiss,variably textured and layered, contains felsic and mafic s8»ffrenations, consists mostly of qmartz, oligofclas*, biotits, sericite and chlorite Cr Coweeta Groupj Cr, Ridgepole Mountain Formation, light to medium gray Ccc quartzite, chlorite --Tuscovite quartzite and coarse biotite chlorite Cp schist and ne^agraywackej Ccc,Coleman River Formation ,medium to dark gray , thinly layered impure met-, sands tone, inter layered with muscovite biotite schist, and meta conglonerate; Cp, Persimmon Creek Hneisa, variably" foliated oligoclas«-quartz -epidote-biotite gneiss, interlayered with metagraywacke qv Quartzite, lieht pray medium -fine -.^rained ,localljr muscovitic mi Migmatite, leucoc atic granitic material injected into variable paragneisses pCtf Tallulah Falls Formation; pCtf Tallulah Falls Formation undivided ^of pGte ilfcltiawt graywacke, quartsite, aluminous schist^amphibolite, add two pCtq mica schistj pCte. medium to dark ejddote rich quartzits$ pGta, aluminous }.-Gta two mica -quarts -plagioclas* schistj pGtq,interlayered qu-irtsite and schist, qu^xtsite contadns quartz,plagiaclase, muscovite, K spar, am.d biotite as principal nineralsj schist contains muscovite, biotite, quarts and plagioclasepCw Wiley Gneias> Medium gray, coarse -grained K spar -h lajioclas«-quarts two mica augen gneiss pCtz Toxawny Gneiss, Mediim pray to dark pray to coarse -grained, layered to r-iascive g^.eiss containing plagioclsse microcline -quarti-biotite-_..____e]'idotfi-^.gnetite; locally feldspar occiirs a? augen, ]>eg;natLtev« cormn