Laser Fusion Program Under Contract No. 8484909 Ismamn OF ns oocoKi n is iwwna NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party's use of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its jse by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. DISCLAIMER Tkn report war prepared u u accsut of wort rpoajored by u <|Mcy of lie Uiitad Statu Gweraaeat. Nntker lie Uaited State GomraeMt aor uy ajeacy ttienof, Mr aay of Mr teaplojuet, auta uy warruty, cxpreei or iaplkd, or warn uy Itnl Haailiry or mtoaei-buUy for tie acancy, coapteteiat, or «efahMi of uy iaforautioa, apparatat, predict, or procat dMoHd, cr repraeab liat ill ate would M iafria(e printory owed ri|ku. Rafereacc bcrcia to uy specific cwonetcU) predict, prone*, or lerrioe by trade aaeae, triiwirt, auaafacraru. or otbenriae don MI Mocaarily coatUMc or haply its crionfm, itcon-•ardftjof, or faroriaf by tic Uailai Suta Goveraaat or uy afeacy (kraof. Tie riem ud opianas of anion eiprearad ben do act acceanrily aula or reflect tbote of the Uahod SUlo Gcmnuneit or uy a|eaey titreof. KIMM IF Iff NHUff B MUM An Evaluation of 2-/14Cr-lMo steel for Liquid Lithium Containment III. Effect of Velocity and Lead Content (Contract No. 8484909) Department of Metallurgical Engineering Colorado School of Mines Golden, Colorado 80401 FORWARD This report is the final unabridged report covering research performed under Contract No. 8484909 of the Laser Fusion Program, and was administrated by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under the supervision of Mr. J, Hovingh (LLL) and Dr. N. J. Hoffman of the Energy Technology Engineering Center. The research was performed by B. D, Wilkinson under the direction of Professor 6. R. Edwards.