History. Swelling in left parotid region, almost from birth. Pain only on two occasions, following a blow to the swelling. On these occasions the swelling was enlarged for about six months. Signs. Cystic swelling in pre-auricular region, diagnosed as dermoid cyst. About one to two inches in diameter. Operation-.An attempt to dissect out the cyst was not successful. It ramified widely in the parotid gland. It contained a serous fluid. The outer wall was removed. The cyst has not disappeared. It can be made to discharge into the mouth upon pressure. A Case of Ateleiosis (Lorain's Disease). By C. WORSTER-DROUGHT, M.D., and B. W. C. ARCHER, M.B. THE patient, Al. R., a girl, aged 18, is the sixth child of a family of seven; she was a full-term baby, and the labour was quite normal. She has, however, always been small and weak and was very backward up to the age of five. At this time she was treated for a year with regular doses of thyroid extract, and her condition is said to have improved greatly, both mentally and physically. Thyroid was re-administered from her seventh year, but owing to her being at a boarding school the treatment was only undertaken during the holidays, a period of about four months in the year. Since July 21, 1926, she has received thyroid extract 1 gr. every day. Attacks of headache and vomiting have occurred since the middle of last November, lasting about four to five days, every three weeks. No other member of the family is affected, the only point of note in family history is that the mother developed mental symptoms after the birth of the third child. Present Condition. According to the Stanford revision of the Binet-Simon tests (Terman) the patient's mental age is that of thirteen years, and her intelligence quotient is 0 7. She has an excellent memory, is small, thin and somewhat emaciated. The body is well proportioned, and the facial features, although pale and pinched, are well modelled. The muscles throughout the body have lost their childish fatness. There is an absence of hair on the pubis and in the axillke. The breasts are undeveloped, and the genitalia are not large, but in proportion to the rest of the body. Physical Examination.-The outstanding feature of the examination is that the patient is a woman in miniature. Height 4 ft. 1 in.; weight 3 st. 5 lb. The maximum length of the head is 155 mm., maximum breadth 130 mm., with a cephalic index of 84. An X-ray photograph of the skull shows a sella turcica larger than normal. The thorax is not well developed, the circumference of the chest measuring 600 mm. on inspiration and 570 mm. on expiration. The visual fields show no abnormality. The optic discs are normal. There is no nystagmus. The pupils are equal, central and circular, and react readily to light and convergence. All the other cranial nerves are normal. There is no disorder of sensation or coordination. The reflexes are normal. There is no enlargement of the thyroid gland. The temperature is invariably subnormal, never reaching above 98.20 F. The heart, lungs and abdomin...