The PMS1 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, implicated in DNA mismatch repair in yeast cells (M. S. Williamson, J. C. Game, and S. Fogel, Genetics 110:609446, 1985), was cloned, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The MATERIALS AND METHODS Yeast strains. The following haploid yeast strains were used: MW3069-5A (trpl ura3-52 hom3-10 his3-KpnI leu2-3, 112 MATa pmsl-J), MW3069-15A (trpl ura3-52 ade2-1 hom3-10 lys2-20 his3-KpnI MATa), MW3071-8A (Atrpl ura3-52 ade2-1 ade8-14 hom3-10 leu2-3,112 MATa pmsl -1), MW3157-63C (ura3-52 ade2-1 hom3-10 his4-519 met4 MATa pmsl-1), MW3070-8B (trpl ura3-52 ade2-1 ade8-14 hom3-10 his3-HindIII leu2-3,112 MATa), MW3070-8BpmslA (same as MW3070-8B but Apmsl), MW3271-1OC (ura3-52 ade2 Aade8 hom3-10 lysJ-l lys2-20 his4-519 leu2-3,112, thrl, MATa). MW3271-lOCpmslA (same as MW3271-1OC but Apmsl), MW3317-21A (Atrpl ura3-52 ade2 Aade8 hom3-10 his3-KpnI met4 metl3 MATo), and MW3317-2lApmslA (same as MW3317-21A but Apmsl). The alleles his3-HindIII and his3-KpnI were constructed in vitro by cleavage with the respective enzymes and fill-in (his3-HindIII) or removal (his3-KpnI) of the protruding ends with subsequent religation (unpublished data). Haploids MW 3271-10C and MW3317-21A are the parents of diploid WC149, and haploids MW3271-lOCpmslA and MW3317-2lApmslA are the parents of diploid WC150.Media. Yeast media were as previously described (7). Regeneration agar was a modified synthetic medium lacking uracil and containing 1 M sorbitol and 3% agar.Genetic techniques. Mass mating, isolation of zygotes by micromanipulation, and plate dissection of unseleted tetrads were carried out as described previously (14,29). Postmeiotic segregations were scored as sectored prints on the appropriate selective medium. For some markers, e.g., his3 versus his4, postmeiotic segregations were scored by complementation as described elsewhere (44).