Experiment results are presented for linear therm.',d expam.i,_n measua'emen,ts on tuffaceous rocks from the tm,._tu.rated zor_e at Yucca Mountain_ Nevada. Data were ol!_taiaed _th with and without confining pres.sure. The accuracy of the un,confin,ed data co.llec_ed betw_a 50 at_.d250"C h , better them t.8 percent, with the precision better than 4.5 percent. 'l%,e acx,uracy o,f the tmco,ntined data collected between ambient temperature a_d 50*C in approximately 11 percent devia6on from the true v',due, with a precision of 12 percent o,f the mean value, Because o,f experiment design and the lack of , information retated to calibrations, the accuracy _,d precL_io,n o,f the eo,rffmed thermal expam,i,on measurements could not be determh_ed.C;_