Ohjedenkntedhas become a buzzword that implies "good"proghmming But when it comes to really supporting this pardighm, not all l a m e e s are equal.10 ot all programminglanguagescan be object-oriented. Yet, claims have been made that APL, Ada, Clu, C++, Iaops, and Smalltalk are objectoriented languages. I have heard discussions of object-oriented design in C, Pascal, Modula-2, and Chili. Could there somewhere be proponents of objectoriented programming in Fortran and Cobol? I think there must be."Object-oriented" has become a hightech synonym for "good." Articles in the trade presscontain arguments that appear to boil down to syllogisms like:This article presents my view ofwhat o b ject-oriented means in the context of a general-purpose programming language.I present examples in C++, partly to i n t r e
An earlier version of this article appeared in / k r . Fmt
Etrmpnii G 7 $ on O~P r l -(~i~/ k~~r n t n r , l R .Spnnger-Verlag. NewYork. 1987.p~. 51-70.
0740-7459/88/05OO/OO10/$01 .OO 01988 IEEEduce C++ and partly because C++ is one of the few languages that supports data a h straction, object-oriented programming, and traditional programming techniques. I do not cover issues of concurrency and hardware support for specific, higher level language constructs. b.'urnpmn ( ' n i x Ckrs Croup Con{, EEUG, 1,ondon. 19x7.
Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer-and original implemen terof C t t .His research interests include distributed systems. operating systems, simulation, programming methodology, and programming languages.Stroustrup received an MS in mathematics and computer science from the University of-Aarhus and a PhI) i n coniputer science from Cambridge University. He is a distinguisehd niemheiof the Coinputer Science Research Center and is a member of IEEE and ACM.Address questions about this ai-tick to the anthol-at AT&T Bell Laboratories, fin, 2(:-324, 600 Mountain Avr., Mui-ray Hill, N J
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