RESUMO.-Tumores mamários são comuns em cães, e constituem o neoplasma mais frequente em cadelas. Este estudo tem como objetivos principais estabelecer a prevalência dos tumores mamários, e dos diferentes tipos histológicos (neoplásicos e não-neoplásicos), diagnosticados em cães no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária Data about breed, gender, and age of dogs, tumor localization, morphologic diagnosis, and metastasis occurrence were analyzed. In the biopsy cases, 1,495 tumors were diagnosed, considering the presence of more than one type of tumor in some of the dogs. From those, 1,465 were neoplastic and 30 were non-neoplastic. Within the neoplasms, 390 (26.6%) were benign and 1,075 (73.3%) were malignant. The benign/ malignant ratio was 1:2.75. During the years 2000-2008, 1,125 necropsies of dogs were performed, 132 (11.64%) of which with mammary gland tumors. There were 152 morphologic diagnoses, being 150 of neoplastic and two of non-neoplastic lesions. Simple carcinoma was the most prevalent histologic type, both among biopsy and necropsy cases. On necropsy cases, metastases to lymph nodes and distant organs were seen in 39 (29.5%) and 64 (53,3%) cases, respectively.INDEX TERMS: Diseases of dogs, pathology, oncology, mammary gland tumors.