Dr. Henry tells nie that lie saw only one tree on the edge of a ravine in the forest 8 milcs south of Szemao, and that this wits in a wretched coudition, only producing one or two flowers a t a time, so that three visits had to be made to collect enougll material. 127a2,12782 A. Alphonsea mollis, D U m ; ab A. luten, Hook. f. & Thorns. ovariis paucis, et specie indumenti differt. Arbor 20-pedalis. Rct~tauli dense tomentosi. Eblict subsessiliit, ovato-oblouga, obtuse acuminata, basi rotundata, 3-5 poll. louga, supra sine costis glabra, ibi et subter mollissime tomentosa (&xitate fulva). Plores iu nodis oppositifoliis solitarii vel bini ; pedicelli 6-9 lin. longi, tomentosi, bracteolati. Xepala parva, triangularia. Petcila cxteriora apice recurva, extus toinentosa, intus glnbrescentia, luteo-albida, interiora aimilia paulo breviora. Ovnria 3, tomentosa, stylo dcpresso. PUNNAN: a t 4000 ft. in the Yulo forests south of Szemao, A. Benry, 12923. Pructzcs ignotus. Cyclea polypetala, Dunia ; petalis iib omnibus Cyckis alik distiuguenda. 3rutex alte scandens, cadibus sulcatis, hirsutis, tarde glabresceutibus, fuseis, pallescentibus. PoZia subcoriacea, supra glabra, subter molliter hirsuta, venis prominentibus, cordata, vel sapius subpeltnta, breviter vel longe acuniinata, 3&7$ poll. longa. .Pamkwl~ soluin in planta infirm juxtn humurn enata (A. Henry). 3Zores masculi (feniiiiei igaoti) virides (A. lilenry), laxe paniculati, 1 lin. longi. Petala eylindrica, libei-a. Drape albids (A. Henry), globoaae, 2 lin. diam., in panioulis pyramidalibus densis, 29-39 poll. longis dispositm.