Thick-Depth, feet ness below land (feet) surface Limestone, yellowish-gray (5 Y 7/2); sandy, sparse biomicrite, planktonic foraminifers and raollusks; neoraorphic and cavityfilling calcite are present; about 20 to 25 percent quartz, very fine grained, subangular to subrounded; about 3 to 5 percent phosphorite and heavy minerals, very fine grained, subangular to subrounded; well cemented. Limestone, yellowish-gray (5 Y 7/2) to grayish-orange (10 YR 7/4); sandy, intraclastic, poorly washed biosparite, raollusks, bryozoans, and planktonic foraminifers; about 20 percent quartz, medium to very fine grained, moderately sorted (very fine), subangular to rounded; well cemented. Limestone, dark-yellowish-brown (10 YR 4/2); sandy, unsorted biosparite, mollusks; about 30 to 35 percent quartz, medium to very fine grained, well sorted (fine), subangular to rounded; about 10 percent phosphorite and heavy minerals, fine to very fine grained, well sorted (fine), subangular to well rounded; well cemented. Limestone, dark-yellowish-brown (10 YR 4/2) and medium-darkgray (N 4); sandy, unsorted intrasparite, mollusks; about 20 to 25 percent quartz, coarse to very fine grained, moderately sorted (fine), subangular to subrounded; about 5 to 10 percent phosphorite and heavy minerals, very coarse to very fine grained, moderately sorted (very fine), subangular to rounded; well cemented; interbedded with about 20 percent sandy, intraclastic, unsorted biosparite; about 30 percent quartz, very coarse to fine grained, moderately sorted (medium), subrounded to rounded; about 5 percent phosphorite and heavy minerals, very coarse to very fine grained, moderately sorted (fine), subrounded to well rounded; well cemented. Limemud, light-olive-gray (5 Y 6/1); sandy micrite; about 25 percent quartz, medium to very fine grained, well sorted (fine), subangular to rounded; about 15 percent detrital carbonate, medium grained, subrounded to rounded; about 10 percent phosphorite and heavy minerals, fine grained, rounded to well rounded; about 5 to 10 percent shell fragments at 78.5 to 82 feet. Sand, light-olive-gray (5 Y 6/1); quartzose, coarse to medium grained, well sorted (coarse), subrounded to rounded; about 25 to 30 percent shell fragments, mollusks, bryozoans, and claw; about 3 percent RF from a calcareous sandstone to a sandy micrite; about 5 percent phosphorite, coarse grained, rounded; interbedded with about 5 to 10 percent limestone, sandy, fossiliferous micrite; about 25 percent quartz and about 3 to 5 percent phosphorite as above; about 1 percent hematite; moderately cemented.