View related articles Citing articles: 1 View citing articles On some new Species of Earthworms. 51 Described from a single example taken by Mr. Bell-Marley at Krantzkloof, Natal, July 1910. Plalyn~s (Anchomenus) zuluanus, sp. n. Length 7{-8 ram. ; width 2]-3 mm. Head, prothorax, labrum, and mandibles pieeous red, the head a shade darker than the other parts; first three and tips of ultimate joints of antennae, palpi, and legs light testaeeous brown, the remaining joints of antennae, annulets on terminal joints of palpi, the femora about knees, the tibiae above, and tarsi at apiee~ of joints infuseated or more deeply browned. Ely~ra greenish black, ~eneseent, very shiny, outer margins and beneath rufo-testaceous. Head smoothj t~ons shallowly grooved on either side above epistome. Prothorax narrow, as long as wide, much narrower in the posterior than in the anterior parts, apical angles declivous, prominent, moderately sharp, sides reflex-margined, gently ampliated to about middle, thence sinuately narrowed to the basal angles, which are somewhat obtuse and recurred, disc smooth or hardly perceptibly aciculate, a little convex medially, lateral basal sulci elongate and parallel to margins, median groove deep reaching from apex to a little above base. Elytra a~ base nearly twice as wide as prothorax, shoulders rounded, sides (male) very slightly, (female) a trifle more ampliated, broadly rounded to and a little sinuated before apices, very finely striate, intervals plane and smooth, seriate punctures on third intervals very faint, one near base impinging on the fourth stria, a second a little postmedian~ and two others near together on the apical declivity. In the narrowness of the elytra, not in its contour, it approximates to/). alacer, but in its less elongate legs and other charecteristics it is far removed from that species. Of the South-African species known to me its nearest allies are _P. l¢elulus, Pgr., and P. fallaciosus, P6r.