From official observations up to and including the year 1852, and published the following year under the title “Ellet on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers,” CHARLES EL LET, Jr., reported the mean annual discharge of the Ohio River at Wheeling, West Virginia, as 835,000,000,000 cubic feet (26.500 cfs), from 24,500 square miles of drainage‐area, according to daily records covering all but a few months of the 11‐year period, 1838 to 1848. Likewise, for the Mississippi River below Red River Junction, Louisiana, he reported a mean annual discharge of 21,000,000,000,000 cubic feet(565.000 cfs), based on the measurements and intermittent records of those early years, mostly identified with Professor C. G. FORSHEY, Lieutenant ROBERT A, MARR (commanding the Memphis Navy Yard), GEORGE GORDON MEADE (later Major General, United States Army), and himself.