summaRY: The fauna of molluscs associated with deep subtidal Zostera marina beds (12-16 m) in southern spain (alboran sea) has been characterised in terms of micro-habitat preference, feeding guilds and biogeographical affinity. The species list (162 taxa) is based on sampling completed before the strong eelgrass decline experienced in 2005-2006, using different methods (small agassiz trawl covering 222 m 2 and quadrates covering 0.06 m 2 ) and different temporal scales (months, day/night). dominant epifaunal species are Jujubinus striatus, Rissoa spp. and Smaragdia viridis in the leaf stratum and Nassarius pygmaeus, Bittium reticulatum and Calliostoma planatum on the sediment. nevertheless, the infauna dominated the epifauna in terms of number of individuals, including mainly bivalves (Tellina distorta, T. fabula, Dosinia lupinus). The epifauna of both the sediment and leaf strata included high numbers of species, probably due to the soft transition between vegetated and unvegetated areas. The dominant feeding guilds were deposit feeders, filter feeders and peryphiton grazers, but ectoparasites (eulimids), seagrass grazers (Smaragdia viridis) and an egg feeder (Mitrella minor) also occurred, unlike in other eelgrass beds of europe. The molluscan fauna of these Z. marina beds is essentially derived from the local fauna, which includes many widely distributed species along european coasts, with a low representation of strictly mediterranean or strictly atlantic species. This fauna is richer than that found in other eelgrass beds of europe, and deserves important attention for conservation.Keywords: bivalves, gastropods, seagrass, biodiversity, alboran sea, biogeographical distribution.Resumen: Una comunidad altamente diversa de moluscos asociados a praderas de Zostera marina del mar de Alborán: preferencias de micro-hábitat, grupos tróficos y distribución biogeográfica. -La fauna de moluscos asociada a praderas infralitorales profundas de Zostera marina (12-16 m) del sur de españa (mar de alborán) ha sido caracterizada en relación a su micro-hábitat preferente, grupo trófico y distribución biogeográfica. el listado faunístico (162 especies) se obtuvo antes de la fuerte regresión sufrida entre los años 2005 y 2006, usando diferentes métodos (pequeño patín de agassiz que muestreaba 222 m 2 y cuadrantes que muestreaban 0.06 m 2 ) y escalas temporales (meses, día/noche). Las especies dominantes asociadas al estrato foliar son Jujubinus striatus, Rissoa spp. y Smaragdia viridis y al sedimento son Nassarius pygmaeus, Calliostoma planatum y Bittium reticulatum, entre otras. no obstante, la endofauna domina a la epifauna, incluyendo principalmente bivalvos como Tellina distorta, T. fabula y Dosinia lupinus. La epifauna asociada al sedimento y al estrato foliar tiene una gran riqueza de especies, probablemente debido a la suave transición entre zonas cubiertas y no cubiertas. Los grupos tróficos dominantes fueron los depositívoros, filtradores o ramoneadores, pero ectoparásitos (eulímidos) y consumidores de fanerógamas ma...