Background: Universal concern is an increased prevalence of morbidity, mortality; with improper comprehension, the globe has implemented, non evidence-based medical practice, without therapeutic indication, therapeutic protocols, policies-contraception, abortion, annihilating human race by therapy, destroying germ cells with consecutive systemic inflammatory response syndrome, associated with decreased androgen oestrogen resulting in metabolic syndrome, increased neoplasms-due to lacuna of this comprehension-cholesterol was blamed, resulting in essential fatty acids deprived diet, promoting sunflower seed oil, refined oil, lipid-lowering agents prescription like water, for the past >40 years; the tragedy of this false concept of refined oil, essential fatty acids deprived diet, [against God-ordained marvelous cell metabolism, from cholesterol] resulting in degenerative diseases, defaulted genomic repertoire, as cause and effect phenomenon in the two following morbid, fatal case presentations; contraception, abortion is the culprit and not cholesterol which is the basic life moiety of cell membrane, cell metabolism governing steroid hormones-androgen oestrogen derived from cholesterol. Case 1: 76-year-old male, vegetarian, presented with lethargy, hypotension, unexplained hyponatremia, on fludrocortisone for 2 years. MRI detected empty sella; hence hypopituitarism with cortisol deficiency, resulting in hyponatremia was considered and with hydrocortisone replacement, patient improved. Low levels of LDL, HDL, suggested chronic [>40 years] deprivation of diet containing essential fatty acids had resulted in degenerative-empty sella status with hypopituitarism. Case 2: 17-year-old girl presented with headache, vomiting, feeble pulse; 6 months prior platybasia had How to cite this paper: